How are we going to work tomorrow? How will workspaces support the search for autonomy and mobility employees expect? How will we define the new work/life balance?
We may never go back to how things were before COVID. And this is not necessarily a bad thing. Now we have the opportunity to shed some of our old habits and seize the positives the pandemic has uncovered.
The planning paradigms of the past—primarily based on the cost per m²—must be re-thought with an emphasis on flexibility and flow. More than ever, people value cohesion and communication. New virtual and physical experiences will bring people together in innovative ways, creating a strong sense of belonging.
The sense of freedom we’ve experienced during the pandemic has reset our expectations and showed that productivity has no physical boundaries. It’s the workplace that needs to adapt to these newly found liberties we have experienced while working from home. Our home became an extension of our workplace.
What if the office became an extension of our home?
The new office will not only be a centre of production, it will be also a centre of collaboration, learning and innovation. Ultimately a social and communication centre which will embody the company culture. We will still be part of a shared experience, a collaborative experience, and a vibrant team.